Krux Trucks Review 2023 | Complete Guide for Skate Lovers

Krux Trucks

Early in the 1990s. NHS distribution led to the creation of the truck brand Krux. Steve Keenan was the founder of the Krux Trucks. We are to present a complete review of this truck brand. 


Krux is a part of NHS distribution, a place where a tonne of amazingly good skate brands are housed. Krux has always  been about having fun, and its skate magazine advertisements clearly demonstrate this. 

Most of the time, their advertisements show Louie Barletta pulling off some incredible act while having a blast. For other people, this is the point of skating. When we can’t kickflip, other people like us get upset, but it is unimportant.

Although Krux is all about having fun, we think that working there is anything but we can only assume that Krux’s scientists are kept quite busy because they have created some incredible trucks over the years.

An Allen key headed kingpin is one of these innovations made to decrease the harm done to the kingpin. This was effective, but it also caused occasional truck failure, therefore Krux is now developing trucks with the standard kingpin as well.

Krux Teammates:

Jonny Giger, Aaron Goure, Albert Nyberg, Alex Massotti, Angel Ortega, Ben Hess, Brodie Penrod, Cairo Foster, Caswell Berry, Chaz Ortiz, Christian Maalouf, Danny Fuenzalida, David Loy, Enzo Cautela, Garrett Ginner, Israel Forbes, Jeff Dechesare, Jesse Viera, Jimmy Carlin, Jon Nguyen, Jonathan Pierce, June Saito, Kechaud Johnson, Kellen James, Kelvin Hoefler, Kevin Braun, Logan Frank, Louie Barletta, Mango, Manny Santiago, Mike Paek, Nestor Judkins, Nick Merlino, Nora Vasconcellos, Ron Whaley, Ryan Gallant, Ryan Lay, Ryan Reyes, Tommy Sandoval, Travis Harrison, and Tyler Franz are some of the famous teammates of the Krux skateboard Trucks.

Krux Review:

There is no denying that Thunder trucks are a favourite among many street skaters. They are incredibly popular because of their reactivity, grinding prowess, and less weight than others.

It has always seemed as though the team skaters fit the mold of Krux Trucks, a firm that relishes showcasing its humour and talent for self-parody.

Steve Keenan founded Krux in 1989 with the help of NHS Fun Factory. Keenan is the “K” in Krux. Krux=Keenan+Trucks.

Krux uses outlandish colour schemes and patterns on their cars that are strong, lightweight, and appealing.

Despite the fact that I haven’t been skating Krux for very long, they unquestionably rank among the best trucks available. Wax is rarely used because my grinding is so smooth. There haven’t been any difficulties with it yet because the truck bushings are so great and because I skate loose. They are exceedingly light and come in a huge range of colours.

Defining Moments for the Brand:

In general, Icy Lou and the Ice (Diamond) truck. Never forget that, immediately following the release of the Polka Dot indianapolis for a month.

Add Eric Noren to the mix of that time because their advertisements were doing well at the time. ‘Blown Out’ and ‘Feelin’ It’ were both our creations. At the time, there weren’t many truck brand videos, much less ones so outrageous. When Cairo (Foster) joined in, he was soon racing around Brooklyn in his pants  and hanging from wires after Colt (Cannon), Louie (Barletta), and Caswell (Berry) were already down for whatever skit shenanigans were going on.

But that commercial age was also characterized by outstanding skaters who weren’t afraid to act foolishly. While filming “Feeling it” over a weekend, Cairo and Louie’s “Covers Baby” wire ad was also shot. They built and recorded the small mega ramp on Sunday, and on Monday they travelled to China to complete the video’s filming there.

The real turning point, though, may have occurred when I was still just a rider for the Krux team. When Matt Sharkey took over as brand manager, he gave krux a fresh start. Krux had a serious, technical tone before that.

Best Krux Skateboard Trucks:

 Some of the best Skateboard Trucks from Krux are given below:

  • Krux K5 Pac Man DLK trucks
  • Krux K5 Ryan Lay watering hole
  • Krux K5 Marbie Letters DLK trucks
  • Krux K5 polished DLK silver trucks
  • Krux K5 black Widow DLK standard trucks
  • Krux Skateboard trucks 8 K5 Nora by Alexis


Krux are a terrific option for skating on city streets and are rather light. Certainly lighter than Indys. They are light because the baseplates have shaved edges and very slight camber. Easily recognized thanks to the exposed kingpin and bushings in the hole.


Why do krux trucks have a hole?

Krux skateboard Trucks are lightweight and instantly recognizable thanks to the distinctive oval hole in the hanger.

Are Low Trucks produced by Krux?

The Krux K5 DLK truck includes all the upgraded features of  K5 standard truck, such as the perfect turns, quicker turning geometry, a new pivot shape, and a more durable injection moulded pivot cup, with a groundbreaking inverted kingpin that locks into a shaft nut in baseplate, for ultimate grind.

Do Krux make good trucks?

The Krux is a good street choice and is lightweight. At least lighter than indies. The base plate is slightly curved towards the anchor and is lightened by a chamfered base plate. Features a hole through which the kingpin and socket are exposed.

Robert Henry-Author Skate Orb

Who Is Roy Harris

Hey there, I’m Roy Harris, and skateboarding is my life.
Growing up in sunny Southern California, I fell head over heels for skateboarding at an early age. From the moment I stepped on a skateboard, I knew it was my calling.

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