How to Put Trucks on a Skateboard Step-by-Step Installation

How to Put Trucks on a Skateboard

It’s a lot of fun to put your new Skateboard together from start to finish. Additionally, it’s a fantastic method to learn how your skateboard functions and how all its components come together to let you perform beautiful feats. How to Put Trucks on a skateboard is not a big problem you can quickly put them without any problem.

You may customize your skateboard ride by assembling it and then changing the board’s numerous settings. It takes you 10 to 20 minutes to complete the various components of a Skateboard truck and mount the truck on your board.

For assembly, only a few tools are required. To connect everything together, you only need a ⅜ in (0.95cm) wrench and a Philips screwdriver. If you have a skate tool, you can use that instead.

This article will help you to find your answer on how to put trucks on a skateboard.

Setting up the Truck (Method 1)

Setting Up The Trucks For A Skateboard

There are many methods of how to put Trucks on a Skateboard, some of these are given below:

1. Put Trucks on a Skateboard:

Make that you have the proper hardware to put each truck together. Trucks are required for each Skateboard. Each vehicle has one hanger and one kingpin assembly. There are two washers, two bushings, and one nut on each kingpin assembly. 

Additionally, each vehicle need two wheels. The hanger and Kingpin on certain trucks are already constructed and fastened. The hardware (nuts, bolts, washers, and bushings) must be purchased separately from the truck assembly.

Skateboard shops are where you can find all the hardware and parts of a skateboard, and many of them allow you to place online orders.

2. In one of the Big holes in the Baseplate, Insert the hanger:

Typically, a vehicle baseplate contains six holes. The base plate is fastened to the board with four smaller holes that are used for nuts and bolts. The hanger and Kingpin are placed in the other two, bigger holes. Slide the hanger into one of the bigger holes to assemble the vehicle. Only one of the two holes will allow it to fit comfortably.

The hanger will go into one of the bigger holes, but you might need to hold it there until the kingpin assembly fastens it.

3. Through the hanger hole, thread the Kingpin:

The Kingpin will fit through a single hole in the hanger. Push the Kingpin into the second, more giant hole in the baseplate after passing it through this one.

Before the kingpin assembly can be fastened, a washer and a bushing must be threaded onto it both sides of the hanger.

4. Using a Wrench and the Kingpin nut, secure the Kingpin assembly:

Step by step installation of trucks on a skateboard

Onto the Kingpin, slide the kingpin nut. The nut on the Kingpin should be tightened with a skate tool or wrench. Do not over tighten the nut; just pull it until it feels secure.

Too tight kingpin assembly will damage the bushings, necessitating their replacements. When deciding on the sort of bushings you want for your board, seek advice from a shop representative.

 Additionally, you do not want the kingpin nut to be loose because that will make your board unsteady.

The Truck is Mounted to the Board (Method 2 for how to put trucks on a skateboard)

How to mount trucks on a skateboard

1. Put Trucks on a Skateboard:

If necessary, use a sharp object to pierce fresh grip tape. Start by making 8 holes in the grip tape on your board if it is new by using a sharp item, such as a screwdriver.

You only need to insert a screwdriver into the already drilled holes from the underside and push until the grip tape is torn through the board.

The grip tape holes will already be there if you are replacing the trucks on an existing board, so you can skip this step.

2. Turn your board over after inserting four bolts into its four holes:

Two sets of four holes make up your board. From the top of the board, insert four bolts into 1 set of 4 holes. Ensure that the bolts are fully inserted into the holes. In order to see the four bolt ends poking through the board, flip your board over.

While turning the board over, keep the bolts in place with one hand.

3. Attach the nuts after aligning the Four bolts with the truck baseplate:

The little holes in the truck’s baseplate should cover the four bolts currently poking through the bottom of your board. Ensure the truck’s hanger side is facing the outside of the board and its kingpin side is towards the interior.

If the bolt seem loose, you might need to hold them during this step from the top of the board. When you lessen right on your board and put the trucks on the other way, you will turn left and vice versa,

4. To Tighten all the Nuts, use a screwdriver and a wrench:

Move four nuts over the four bolts now securing the baseplate of your truck to the board. On one side of the board, wrap an ranch or your skate tool around the nut. Next, insert your screwdriver into the bolt’s head located on the board’s upper side. 

Turn one tool while keeping the other one still while you tighten the bolt and nut together. Make sure you tighten the bolts/nuts so that their heads flush with your board’s top. Any further tightening could result in the board cracking.

To make the job easier, you may alternatively use a power drill with the appropriate Philips attachment in the place of a screwdriver.

Do You Know???

Here are the top 3 Skateboard truck you must consider
1. Independent Trucks Stage 11
2. Venture Trucks
3. Thunder Trucks

Putting Wheels on the Truck (Method 3)

1. Verify once more that you have all the wheel hardware you want:

All that that’s left to do is attach the wheels before you can ride your board once both trucks are on it. A nut, two speed rings or washers, and two bearings are required for each wheel.

There is no need for additional bolts because the Truck’s axle serves as the bolts for the wheels. You will require 8 bearings, 8 speed rings, and 4 nuts for each of the 4 wheels. If you’d rather, you can attach the wheels to each truck before fastening it to the board.

2. Insert the bearings by sliding one wheel onto one axle and two bearings:

Every wheel require two bearings. These bearings are inserted from both sides inside the wheel. It does not matter which axle you put the two bearings on. Push down firmly after sliding the wheel onto the axle in either direction.

When the bearing slides into the wheel, you ought to hear a click. To replace the second bearing, flip the wheel over and follow the same procedure.

3. the entire wheel assembly on one axle, then tighten it with a nut:

Place one wheel on the empty axle after placing one speed ring on it. On the outside of the wheel’s axel, place the second speed ring. Next, thread the nut onto the axle and hand tighten it.

To tighten the nut even more, use a wrench or a skate tool.

Which way do trucks go on a Skateboard:

The Kingpin and bushings should be allowed to face each other inward due to the direction of the skateboard truck. Kingpins are bolts that join the baseplate and hanger Rubber rings, commonly referred to as bushings, surround the kingpins.

After that, skate around for a while and then modify the position of your skateboard truck properly. You might need to tweak the screws and the Kingpin if they cannot turn freely. By doing this, you can explore until you find the skateboard turning and movement that you prefer.

Considerations for choosing Trucks:

 You have to consider the following points while choosing trucks :

  •  Sizes of trucks
  • Performing maintenance

Sizes of Trucks:

The most typical configuration, which also provides the best stability, has the truck axle around the same width as your deck. In general, choose an axle that is just a little bit more or little bit less than ¼ the width of the board.

Performing Maintenance:

Performing maintenance of the trucks of Skateboard is very important which requires following steps:

  • Take the wheels off.
  • Remove the hardware from your decks top.
  • Kingpin nut should be removed.
  • The vehicle will crumble if the kingpin nut is removed
  • Clean all the components, get rid of sand and dust, and try to get some of the rust off.

Step by Step guide of how to install trucks on the Skateboard:

Skateboard truck installation is not a big deal. This method for mounting trucks on a skateboard is the easiest to complete, does not require many tools, and can be finished in under 20 minutes. You can easily attach trucks on the Skateboard by following the given steps.

Create the holes exactly as your board specifies. There are two sets of four holes on your Skateboard. Place four bolts on one side of the boards four holes from the top side and four bolts. On the opposite side of the holes, attach the trucks to the board.

Give them a good push. If you flip the board over, you can see them where you need to push them. Keep in mind to use one hand to hold the board while flipping and inspecting it.

The bolts that were slid into the base plate from the small holes should now be inserted. Always keep in mind that the truck’s kingpin side should be towards the interior.

Be careful not to overtighten them and not to leave them too loose. This is crucial because if the kingpin nut is twisted too firmly, your board could be damaged. Consequently, the bushing will eventually need to be replaced.

Tools required for Putting Trucks on a skateboard:

The following tools are required for putting trucks on a skateboard:

1.Trucks of Skateboard:

Choosing the type of skateboard truck you desire goes hand in hand with your decision to replace your current one.

2.The hardware:

Skateboard trucks cannot be installed without all the necessary hardware. These parts consist of your nuts and bolts. The majority of skateboard decks have four holes in the nose and four more near the tail.

3.Power Drill and a T tool:

You will be turning the procedure. To liberate your hand from this mechanical work, you will thus require a T-tool and power drill.

4.Skating Wheels:

Testing your trucks is the best way to determine how effectively they were mounted. This implies that you will need to ride a short distance to determine whether you choose the proper trucks and whether they fit well.

How to put Trucks on a Skateboard without a skate tool:

Although a skate tool is not absolutely necessary, you should have at least three different sized wrenches, one screwdriver, and one size of Allen key.

The benefit of a skate tool is that it incorporates all of these items into a single practical and portable instrument.

It also depends on your hardware’s type . No, you only need a wrench and a Phillips screwdriver if your hardware call for a straight forward Phillips head screwdriver.


Skateboards must always keep their skateboards in some sort of condition. Even better, as you learn more about your boards, upgrading them becomes simpler for you. Recognize that improving your Skateboard in any way is never incorrect.

There is no question you won’t be able to accomplish more with your Skateboard now that you know how to put trucks on a skateboard. Never forget the fundamentals, and i have no doubt that you will succeed in your upcoming upgrades.


How to set up Skateboard Trucks?

After how to put trucks on a skateboard, Setting Up Trucks on Skateboard also requires the following steps:
To the deck, apply the grip tape.
For the truck bolts, punch holes through the grip tape.
Through the holes of the grip tape and deck, affix the 8 truck bolts.
Assemble your vehicles and fasten the truck bolt nuts.
Put the wheels bearing in place.
Connect the truck axles to the wheels.

Which trucks are good trucks for skateboarding?

The trucks which are good for Skateboard are:
Independent skateboard trucks
CCS skateboard trucks
Thunder skateboard trucks
Venture polished skateboard trucks
Core skateboard trucks

Where to Put the Trucks on the Skateboard?

The Kingpin and bushings of each vehicle should be positioned to face each other from the inside. To keep the trucks loosely in place until you can install them securely, attach the nuts to the screws.

Robert Henry-Author Skate Orb

Who Is Roy Harris

Hey there, I’m Roy Harris, and skateboarding is my life.
Growing up in sunny Southern California, I fell head over heels for skateboarding at an early age. From the moment I stepped on a skateboard, I knew it was my calling.

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