Go Skateboarding day 2023 Los Angeles | Enjoy Skating In Parks & Streets

Go Skateboarding day 2023 Los Angeles

Go Skateboarding Day is an internationally recognized day to get around on a quad board. Since there isn’t one central hub for information about the day, you have to search for events in your area. In 2023, Go Skateboarding Day will be held on June 21. In this article, we will provide you with detailed information about Go Skateboarding day 2023 LosAngeles.

Why we Appreciate Go Skating Day

There are many reasons for appreciating and loving skateboarding day, some of them are given below:

You can begin skating even if you’re an adult

The best thing about skateboarding is that there is never a wrong age to start. Age is not a barrier as long as you are in good physical health. Even in your fifties, you can begin. It all comes down to practice and learning.

It’s a terrific exercise

Skateboarding is an excellent cardiovascular and physical strength-building exercise. Skateboarding involves balance, especially on uneven ground, therefore it also strengthens the core.

It’s a means of expressing oneself

You can be who you are while you skateboard. It is a means of empowerment and self-expression.

Best Parks to Celebrate Go skateboarding day 2023 Los Angeles 

You can enjoy skating in LosAngeles by visiting your nearer skatepark. Some of them are given below:

Best Parks to Celebrate Go skateboarding day 2023 LosAngeles


A portion of Poindexter Park contains Moorpark, also known as “M.P.” by the locals, which boasts a few skater-favored features. For starters, Moorpark offers a section designated only for beginners to practice their fundamental skating skills. 

For more experienced skaters, there is also a pool-style bowl with a concrete M at the highest, steepest point. But that’s not all. Every skill level will find adequate difficulties at Moorpark because of the skatepark’s ledges, rails, and additional street-style features.

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Garvanza Skatepark

A smaller location in northern Los Angeles is called the Garvanza Skatepark. The main feature of Garvanza, one of the few skateparks in Los Angeles that provides a truly vintage-style skating experience, is a traditional pool-style bowl that is deep and steep enough for experienced skaters to hone their skills. This is the best park to visit on Go Skateboarding Day 2023 LosAngeles.

The grimy aspect of Garvanza isn’t its sole characteristic, either. Beginner-level skaters should use softer characteristics like flat banks, low rails, and other skate surfaces.

Skatepark at Venice Beach

On April 3, 2019, Leticia Bufoni skated while filming for the Red Bulletin in Venice, California.

The Venice Beach Skatepark is close to the Venice Boardwalk and is located by the water. The architecture of this skatepark is inspired by city streets, and there are plenty of rails, ledges, and bowls for you to hone your skating skills. 

Stacey Peralta’s documentary “Dogtown and Z Boys,” which was released in 2001, popularised and brought attention to the history of the Venice Beach Skatepark, making it a favourite destination for skaters.


On Go Skateboard Day, many events take place around the world. These events have competitions you can enter. Even if you’re not competing, you can learn a thing or two from other skateboarders and improve your skills. Make your skateboarding day exciting by visiting your nearest skating park. Hope this article helps you to get enough information about Go skateboarding day 2023 LosAngeles.


How many skateboard parks are there in LA?

Los Angeles alone has 21 skateboard parks in the city, and street skaters are often seen among traffic and pedestrians. 

Is it legal to skate in LA? 

 California skateboarding laws include: All skateboarders under the age of 18 must wear a skateboard helmet on all streets, bike lanes, public roads or trails. Failure to do so may result in a $25 fine. All riders are required to wear helmets, knee pads and elbow pads in designated skate parks. 

What is the largest park in Los Angeles? 

With more than 4,210 acres of natural leafy land as well as landscaped parks and picnic areas, Griffith Park is one of the largest urban wildlife parks in the United States. 

Robert Henry-Author Skate Orb

Who Is Roy Harris

Hey there, I’m Roy Harris, and skateboarding is my life.
Growing up in sunny Southern California, I fell head over heels for skateboarding at an early age. From the moment I stepped on a skateboard, I knew it was my calling.

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