Go skateboarding day 2023 Colombia | Enjoy at Banda bogota

Go Skateboarding Day 2023 Colombia

June 21st, 2023 will mark Go Skateboarding Day (GSD). It was developed by the International Association of Skateboard Companies (IASC) as a recognised annual event to advance skateboarding. The day of June 21 generally sees it.

It’s possible that the “No Skateboarding” sign inspired the name of the celebration. skater in the community. The International Association of Skateboard Companies is in charge of planning the event, which will feature a number of activities in key cities all around the world to expose skateboarding to new audiences.

Skateboarding is an action sport where stunts are performed on a skateboard. Skateboarding can be considered a hobby, an art form, a profession, or a means of transportation. Skateboarding has been shaped and influenced by many skateboarders over the years. This article will give you all the details about Go Skateboarding Day 2023 Colombia.

Skate Park in Colombia to Celebrate Go Skateboarding day 2023

The skate park is just north of the Columbia Cosmopolitan Recreation Center, also known as Cosmo Park and CCRA. Cosmo Park is designated as a 533-acre regional park and is equipped with the Antimi Sports Complex, Rainbow Softball Center, soccer field, soccer field and the LA Nickell Golf Course.

The skatepark is free to enter 24/7 for drones and skaters (weather permitting). Skaters come from all over the country and even across the country to visit Columbia SkatePark. This is the best park to celebrate Go skateboarding day 2023 Colombia.

Rules and regulations

This area is designed to provide skaters with a moderate level of difficulty for recreational purposes and to help develop skills. It is impossible to design and build a skateboard or skateboard object without a hard surface. Hard surfaces that are difficult for the skater pose a risk of injury if the skater falls.

This object is abandoned. The user assumes all risks inherent in the use of this tool. Use may result in serious injury. 

Persons under the age of 15 must wear skates or bicycle helmets when using Columbia Skate Park pursuant to City Ordinance Section 16-238.

No glassware, food or drinks are allowed on the skating surface. Leaks are dangerous for skaters. Objects like tables, lumber, chairs  or other objects used as  jumps or ramps are not allowed in the skatepark building. 

Pets are not allowed on the rink. Do not drive against vehicles on slopes or canals. Do not go down the ramp until you have cleared the other skaters. Available hours are 7:00 AM to sunset. 

You can enjoy Go skateboarding day 2023 Colombia by going in parks and by skating with friends.


On Go Skateboarding Day, individuals from all walks of life get together to celebrate this distinctive activity and have fun cruising or pushing around the streets. Skateboarding is such a unique hobby because it fosters a true sense of community to watch everyone perform tricks and laugh together. Hope this article helps you to get enough information about Go skateboarding day 2023 Colombia.


Is skating a difficult sport? 

On Go Skateboarding Day, people from all walks of life come together to run the streets or take a cruise to celebrate this unique activity. Skateboarding is a unique hobby because seeing everyone doing tricks and laughing together creates a sense of community.

How to make skating easier? 

The best way to improve your roller skating skills is to practice often. Find a rink in your area and visit it at least once a week so you can improve your skills as you go. Practice sliding, stopping, sliding back and sliding as fast as you can. 

What is important in skateboarding?

Balance is essential to skating skills, but not everyone is born with it. As a result, skateboarders practice until they get it right. Regular exercise gradually improves balance as core muscles are strengthened through many postures and exercises not normally performed in everyday life.

Robert Henry-Author Skate Orb

Who Is Roy Harris

Hey there, I’m Roy Harris, and skateboarding is my life.
Growing up in sunny Southern California, I fell head over heels for skateboarding at an early age. From the moment I stepped on a skateboard, I knew it was my calling.

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