Skateboard Pushing Styles 2023 | Perfect Techniques to Push

Skateboard Pushing tyles

There are many different skateboard pushing styles. If you’ve never skated before, the first skill you should learn is skateboard pushing styles. Consider that you are just learning to skateboard. You recently purchased a skateboard, but you lack any knowledge. Pushing your skateboard is the first trick you should learn.If you’ve never skated before, the first skill you should learn is pushing.

When using a skateboard, you can adopt one of four different foot positions: natural, nollie, switch, or fakie stance. A skateboarder’s natural or intuitive footing determines their stance, which is a type of body posture. Your natural stance, or the position you use when you leap on a skate, is frequently one of them.

In this article, we will provide you with detailed information about skateboard pushing styles.

Mongo Pushing

Mongo push skating is the term for pushing with your front foot when riding a skateboard. Because the back of your skateboard deck is less stable, it takes longer to get into a good position and you’ll have less balance. While normal skaters would push skate with their left foot, silly skaters push instead with their right foot.

If you want to push properly, you should place your front foot close to the front of your trucks (near the bolts). Then you propel yourself forward with your back foot (and leg). Mongo, though, is another matter. The origin of the term is unknown, but its meaning is obvious without the use of a vivid imagination.

On a skateboard, to push Mongo, place your back foot close to the middle of the board and push with your front foot. You must put your front foot on your board and sort of simultaneously move your rear foot to your tail, in order to get back into position.

You can see how this might affect stability and response time. Compared to taking a typical stance, it takes much longer. It’s not all bad, you can unlearn it, and there are certain benefits to pushing your skateboard this way from the beginning. Let’s look more closely because it’s not only about how long it takes to get on your board.

Regular versus Goofy

The default, or first, position might be serious or silly. Regular-footed skateboarders position their left (lead) foot in front of the skateboard, close to the nose, and propel themselves forward with their right foot.

A skater with clumsy feet does the opposite. He or she propels the skateboard forward with the right (lead) foot and the left foot. skateboarders feet will inevitably decide where they want to be on the board, that much is clear.

But how can you figure out your default skating stance? Ask a friend or family member to push you forward forcefully from behind. Your natural or dominant foot should be the one you step out with to catch yourself. A skateboarder pushing gets better the more they practise.

The Correct Skateboard Position

When learning to skateboard, the natural stance should be used because it is the most comfortable position.

It’s crucial to acquire the fundamentals of pavement surfing with assurance at each stage of the procedure, regardless of whether you skate normally or have odd foot placement. Regular or silly attitude is only a preference; neither is right or wrong.

Skateboarding’s Nollie Stance

Similar to the natural stance, the nollie stance differs in that both of your feet are moved towards the front of the skateboard.

The nose ollie position maintains your body and feet facing the same way, although being a little more challenging than the normal stance.

Skateboarding's Nollie Stance

Skateboarding’s Switch Stance

The switch stance forces you to ride in your opposite natural posture, which can be difficult for beginner and intermediate skaters.

Even while writing with your non-dominant hand can be challenging, it is not impossible and usually simply takes practice and instruction.

 Skateboard Fakie Pose

The fakie stance is when you are skating on a skateboard while maintaining your normal stance while moving backward. It typically occurs when you’re riding backward on your normal stance while rolling down a hill.

It’s similar to fakie riding with both feet positioned towards the board’s nose. You may find oneself in this position after turning 180 degrees, for example. As many tricks require you to stand on your board backwards with your lead foot on the tail or your back foot at the front of the board, the fakie stance is quite helpful.

Strangely, while traditional skaters refer to this as a fake stance, modern skaters frequently think of it as

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 Skateboard Fakie Pose

How to Push your Skateboard

In skateboarding how to push skateboards includes many styles. Some of skateboard pushing techniques are given below:

Skateboard Pushing: The Fundamental Posture

The posture is the first and most crucial component while pushing a skateboard. If you’re a dork, you’ll put your right leg on your skateboard and lift it off the ground with your left leg. If you are walking normally, your right leg pushing will lift your skateboard off the ground while your left foot is on it.

When pushing a skateboard, the left foot, if it is the front foot, is positioned on the front half of the board and flared forward. Ensure that your centre of gravity is positioned closer to your front foot. Your front foot rotates around 30 degrees to the right if it is on your left side. 

Pushing Action with a Skateboard

For instance, while your left foot lifts the skateboard off the ground, your right foot is on the board. You should initially squat and flex your right knee while lowering your centre of gravity. Your right knee should still be bent and your right foot should remain on the board as you push back against the ground with your left foot.

When pushing the skateboard, be careful to fully extend your left leg, then flex it again as you get your left foot closer to where your right foot should be. Remember to keep your spine straight and push off your knee while attempting to maintain the straightest possible posture. Pushing your skateboard causes your body to move ahead.

Pushing Action with a Skateboard

Increase in Speed

You will move more quickly if you exert more force and push more forcefully and frequently. Giving your pushing motion the most power possible is crucial while pushing a skateboard, and you may achieve this by fully extending both the foot that pushes and the foot that is on the skateboard. Please don’t let go of the reins while doing this or you’ll tumble. Try to start out slowly before going quicker and faster.

When learning, try to keep your attention on your centre of gravity to avoid losing balance and falling. Ensure that your front foot is planted correctly. keep your centre of gravity above

Putting your Back Foot on a Skateboard and Pushing

In this instance, your back foot is your left foot. Assume you have been pushing your skateboard for some time and are happy with your speed. Now what?

Try to slowly flex your back leg and place it on the back of your board. You have a chance to distribute your weight evenly when both of your feet are on the board. Your centre of gravity should be placed above the centre of the board, which should cause your torso’s line to be sliced in two. Repeat the entire cycle of pushing the skateboard once you have slowed down.


You should develop the habit of pushing with your stronger foot right away. We refer to that foot as the “back foot” since it should point backward. It is the right foot if you have flat feet.

Skateboarders have the option of riding with either a normal stance or a comical stance, just like in snowboarding, surfing, and other board sports. Skateboarders should select a stance that is most comfortable for them when skating. Hope so this article gives you enough information about skateboard pushing styles.


Which foot do you push with on a skateboard?

Skateboarding has two stances: standard and silly. Goofy-footers push with their left foot while skating with their right foot forward on the board. “Riding regular” refers to pushing your board with your right foot while skating with your left foot as your front foot.

Does kick turn skateboard hard?

Charlie MacArthur, a certified ski instructor and uphilling expert, claims that kick-turns are among the most challenging manoeuvres to perform. “Be sure to practise it on level ground before attempting it on a steep slope.

What is meant by goofy footed skateboarders?

If you walk with your right foot on the floor, the bolts are covered by your left foot, which goes on the board. Regular stance is what it’s called. If you have a right foot that goes on the skateboard and a left foot that goes on the floor, the right foot will once more cover the bolts. It’s known as the goofy stance.

Robert Henry-Author Skate Orb

Who Is Roy Harris

Hey there, I’m Roy Harris, and skateboarding is my life.
Growing up in sunny Southern California, I fell head over heels for skateboarding at an early age. From the moment I stepped on a skateboard, I knew it was my calling.

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