How to stop on a skateboard Downhill by Applying Breaks

How to stop on a skateboard

Stopping on your Skateboard is crucial for learning tricks on the power slide or getting out of risky situations. Different stops will be more appropriate for your needs depending on whether you are an intermediate or advanced skateboarder. How to stop on a skateboard? has a variety of solutions and answers. 

 Before attempting each stop while riding faster, practice it frequently. Once you have ingrained these maneuvers into your muscle memory, you can execute more complex finishes just as efficiently as simpler ones.

The ability to stop is one that you develop very early and that you will need every time you ride. It gives skateboarding another enjoyable component while assisting you in avoiding obstacles, leaps, and drops that you might need to prepare for.

How to stop on a skateboard requires techniques. This article helps you to find your answer. Though its a hobby sports but it needs a lot attention to learn every bit of it like other international sports. .

How to Stop: Step-by-Step Instructions for Safe Skateboarding:

The central question is how to stop on a skateboard, so here is a step-by-step guide to preventing on a skateboard that is both quick and safe. The drag technique, also called the foot brake, works well on flat surfaces when you are moving slowly but, be careful on wet surfaces. This will give a guide about How to stop on a skateboard.

Method 1 (Jumping off or Tail Scraping):

Method 1 How to stop on a skateboard

Only Tail Scratch while moving slowly:

A relatively simple way to stop is by scrapping your Tail. It is simple to unintentionally lose control of the Board while performing it. 

When skateboarding leisurely on a sidewalk or level terrain, try Tail scraping. In dangerous circumstances, employ a more constrained technique.

 Put your weaker foot on the back of the Skateboard:

Keep your weight on the balls of your feet while leaning forward. Your leading food should remain close to the center of the Skateboard.

If you start to wobble, raise your arms to balance yourself.

With your back foot, press the Tail:

Apply pressure continuously until it touches the ground. Your Board is about to stop if you hear a scraping noise.

The friction between your Skateboard and the ground will slow your speed. Wait until you have completely stopped before stepping off the Board.

Alternatively, give the heel scrape a try:

In many ways, heel scraping is similar to tail scraping, except your Board’s Tail won’t touch the ground. Alternatively, spread your back foot apart until your heel is clear of the Board.

Stop pushing the Tail back once your foot has touched the ground.

Method 2 How to Stop on a Skateboard (Barking with your Foot)

One footbrake when skating on a level Surface:

How to stop on a skateboard by breaking with your feet

In an emergency stop or when traveling downhill, never footbrake. On flare surfaces, this technique is only practical for recreational skating. Avoid utilizing this technique if you are wearing flip-flops or open-toed shoes because it will require you to use your foot to stop the Skateboard.

Consider the following scenario:

  • A beginner-friendly method of stopping a skateboard is foot braking.

Place one foot in front:

Turn the toes of your front foot forward to initiate your footbrake. For the best footbrake, you want them facing the Board’s nose. As you do, turn your head and upper body forward.

While using either foot is acceptable, most people utilize their dominant foot.

Bring your back foot to the ground and shift your weight to your front foot:

Allow your back foot to the ground once you feel secure on your front foot. As you do this, keep your back leg straight. 

Leaning on your rear foot increases your risk of falling off the Skateboard. Try to put your heel down on the ground first.

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Gazelle flips is considered one of the most difficult trick to be a master of. You have to digest it spending a lot of time

Method 3 (Controlled Halting of the side)

Brake downhill with a controlled slide stop:

This will give you to the answer of how to slow down on a skateboard downhill. Slide stops are great if you need to brake suddenly or are traveling quickly downhill. Except in dire circumstances, avoid jumping off your Skateboard, which can result in injuries.

You might employ slide stopping, for instance, If you are skating downhill and a car suddenly pulls out in front of you.

Your Board should be turned 180 degrees:

Your upper body should pivot as you quickly spin to the side. So that you can handle the quick turn, shift your weight to the side. To avoid Landing on your back while doing this, squat to your knees and lean forward.

Your feet will always be on the Board when doing this maneuver. Keep both feet firmly planted on the ground.

Before attempting the actual thing, practice:

Practice on a slight gradient before you need to brake when skating downhill. Start in your driveway or on a sidewalk that slopes gradually.

Practice more until you can halt slides with control of your muscle memory.

3 Methods for stopping a skateboard

Method 4 (Sliding by power)

If you are a confident skater, perform one powerslide:

Controlled and power sliding are comparable, but power sliding requires more complex maneuvers. Power sliding should not be your go-to maneuver when you must stop quickly. Use it in skate parks or when perfecting skills with pals instead.

Before you powerslide, keep an eye out for any nearby vehicles. Power sliding can be challenging to stop unexpectedly.

Weight shift to your heels:

Lean a little toward the front of the Board as you do this. This will help you turn more fully and give your body complete control over the power slide.

Leaning on your rear heel will make this technique harder, so put most of your weight on your front heel.

Use your back foot to kick out:

Kick out in the direction of your slide after pivoting with your front foot. This will finish your power slides as you come to a stop gradually.

To avoid falling off your Board and losing your balance, lean back till it stops.

Longboard Stopping Techniques:

 Now lets talk about how to turn on a longboard. Your top priority was the best longboard to start with if you are new to longboarding slide. What comes next? How to stop on a longboard at any speed without falling and hurting yourself. Here you will find your answer of how to stop on a longboard.

You can employ several methods to stop or slow down while longboarding slide. These range from elementary to sophisticated, simple to complex, and manageable at slower to faster speeds. Your options for suppressing your longboard range from the simplest to the most difficult.

Hopping off the Board and sprinting away, rolling onto a textured surface, like grass, using the bottom of your foot to brake Turning down the slope, carving your longboard sliding.

Your options how to brake on a longboard range from the simplest to the most complex:

  • Hopping off the Board and sprinting away
  • Rolling onto a textured surface like grass
  • Using the bottom of your foot to brake the longboard
  • Turning down the slope, craving
  • Your longboarding slide

Powerslide on Longboard:

The following are the fundamental steps of how to powerslide on a longboard. This give you the answer of how to powerslide on a longboard.

  • Start by picking up some speed on a slight incline or flat surface.
  • By applying pressure to your front rail, perform a small toeside pre-turn.
  • Begin a quick heelside turn while keeping your weight low.
  • To turn 90 degrees, push your Board out with your rear foot.
  • Lean backward, swing your shoulders, straighten your knees, and slide all at once.
  • Release the weight from your back foot and shift your weight to your front foot to stop the slide.

How to slow down on a longboard down on downhill? By using the essential skill of foot braking you can slow down on a skateboard.

General Skateboard safety & Stopping:

You are on the right track to keeping injury free while riding your Board. Suppose you can reliably stop safely with the foot brake and the heel brake. Although something is still being determined, having the right abilities is essential for skating safely. How to break on a skateboard? It requires practice.

Practice pushing, cutting, and braking on level, unobstructed surfaces until you feel comfortable.

Wearing the correct skateboard safety gear and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are other methods to be safe. You will spend more time on your Board and less time cleaning off scratches and bruises if you can master all of these.

Best Technique for Beginners to Stop a Skateboard:

The foot drag or running it out is the finest technique for novices now that you know a few distinct stopping possibilities. Here are the best technique of  how to slowdown on a longboard.

Stopping should be the easiest thing to do at this point because you are still getting used to raising your Board.

The motion is exceptionally similar to pushing when you drag your foot, so it initially seems relatively straightforward. It could take time and effort to get the ideal balance. Tracing your foot feels more stable and suitable for almost any speed than many other techniques.

If dragging your foot out feels too much, sprinting it out is a fantastic alternative.


Learning to stop a skateboard should always be your priority if you view skating as a hobby or a sport. You can start with any of the stoppings as mentioned above techniques that seem straightforward and practical.

You can, however, move from one place to another over time. How to stop on a skateboard or longboard requires techniques that you can follow by reading this article. Hope you also get your anwer of how to brake on a longboard.


How do you stop on a moving Skateboard?

After How to stop on a skateboard question arises that How do you stop on a moving skateboard. Put your back foot on the Taill, behind the trucks and wheels, and shift your weight to that foot as you relax your front foot using this Straightforward technique. Your Board TailTail then strikes the ground, dragging you to a stop. The same technique is used for how to stop on a longboard.

Why do skaters in race clasp hands?

You can conserve energy by tucking your arms for the bell lap dash at the end of the 5,000-meter speedskate. A skater can only maintain such a maneuver for a limited time.

How to brake on a longboard?

The most straightforward technique to brake on a longboard is to plant your rear foot on the ground and apply pressure. This is a reliable approach to slow down and stop completely. Drop foot is an easy technique for controlling your speed. This is the simplest method to longboard brake.

What does a longboard slide entail?

This method of stopping quickly is frequently employed. Pulling your Board away from the pavement allows the wheels to move freely while you slide. Every longboard sliding is ok.

Robert Henry-Author Skate Orb

Who Is Roy Harris

Hey there, I’m Roy Harris, and skateboarding is my life.
Growing up in sunny Southern California, I fell head over heels for skateboarding at an early age. From the moment I stepped on a skateboard, I knew it was my calling.

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