How to stand on a Skateboard and Balance Matters in 2023

How to stand on a skateboard

Skateboarding can be a challenging activity for both novices and adepts. There is a lot of fundamental knowledge that every skateboarder should be aware of, whether you are trying out beginner tricks in a parking lot or are feeling confident enough to hit the skatepark. But the most important thing to learn is “How to Stand on a Skateboard”.

Skateboarding is one of the fascinating skills to master. It has different levels, from primary to severe. There are several steps you must take to graduate from skateboarding. You must first master the most basic skateboarding maneuver, standing on the board, and weigh of a skateboard before moving on to shredding streets, rails, and ramps. So, here in this article we will provide you with a step-by-step guide to master standing and maintaining balance on a skateboard.

Balancing will seem like child’s play once you comprehend the skateboard’s special design and discover how to stay firmly planted, and you’ll be on your way to learning harder, more technically impressive skills. Though skateboarding is one of those skills that can cause sprains or serious injuries, don’t be afraid of it; With the right techniques and methods, you can learn everything there is to know about skateboarding.

If you are looking into specializing in skateboarding, then stay connected; we will teach you how to stand on a skateboard with proper posture in a simple and fun way. Here are some techniques to help you learn about skateboarding and even brush up on skills meticulously:

Different stances of standing on a skateboard

Skateboard foot position/placement

One basic question that raises in a skateboard wooer’s mind is how to get on a skateboard or what should be foot placement on a skateboard. Let’s explore this query and reveal the mystery that lies beneath it. The two ways to step onto a skateboard for beginners, even for proficient riders, are regular or goofy stances.

In the conventional stance, the right foot is in front of the board, as opposed to the left foot in the goofy stance. Your right- or left-handedness may have an impact on your stance or placement. The majority of right-handed skaters adopt a standard stance. In the end, you should do what feels most comfortable to you. But give a shot at both techniques and check out which is the best niche for you.

Put a shoulder-width distance between your feet.

Start up on a level surface; for the time being, pay no attention to the skateboard if you are a novice. Set up a natural stance by placing your feet directly beneath your shoulders. Your weight should be equally distributed across both legs when you are in this position. Your balance and control over the board will be at their highest. This method helped people to
practice shifting their weight back and forth between the two legs while maintaining a straight spine, a centred and upright head, and an aligned body. You’ll be better equipped to take up a stable position on the board if you do this.

Kneeling and placing weight on the ground

The buttocks and knees should be slightly lowered and bent. As a result, your weight will be distributed more evenly across your hips than it would be if you were standing normally. You won’t be as likely to lose balance on the unstable board if you have a lower center of gravity.

Key point to improve Your How to stand on a Skateboard

You just need to be lower enough to establish a firm base without stooping or crouching excessively.

Direct your gaze in the direction you intend to travel.

Turn your chin in the direction you would travel if the skateboard were in motion. If you prefer a standard stance, you’ll be looking over your left shoulder; goofy riders will be looking to the right. You’ll be able to focus your vision on the ground ahead of you to spot obstacles and plan tricks, and the position of your feet will be visible in your peripheral vision as well.

When you’re trying to maintain your balance, it’s natural to look down at your feet. But keep in mind that where your head goes, your body will follow. Maintain your alignment and become accustomed to looking a few feet ahead of the board.

How to keep up the balance and ride the skateboard

Foot Placement on skateboard

This is a venomous thing that strikes skateboard aspirants: how to keep up the right posture or stance while moving on the skateboard. The novice should always be cautious about maintaining balance. But after learning a few tactics, it will no longer be a hard pill to swallow. Let’s unveil some a technique that will assist us to make a proper skateboard stance

Take your time stepping onto the board. Place one foot on the skateboard and check for stability. Then, quickly and cautiously lift the other foot and place it beside your first foot. Your feet should be about shoulder-width apart as you practice. The most difficult part is over once you’ve successfully gotten on the board! As a beginner, you will almost certainly fall once or twice. Don’t be scared of this kind of feeling if you wanna master the skill. After you’ve fallen, your fear of falling will fade, and you’ll be able to commit more fully.

Put your feet over the trucks. When you’re first getting used to standing on a skateboard, a good rule of thumb is to keep your weight centred over the trucks. Place each foot on top of the bolts holding the trucks in place on the top of the board. Stay away from having your feet too narrowly spaced apart or too widely spread apart.

Continually place your weight on the balls of your feet. When you’re balanced on the broad part of your foot directly behind your toes, lean slightly forward. In order to maintain balance and execute various tricks while skating, you must be able to shift and reposition yourself. It is simpler to lift, slide, and pivot your feet when you are standing on the balls of your feet. You can also more easily absorb shock while riding by keeping your lower leg muscles active.

Be conscious of the tail and nose of the board

A board will lift if the nose or tail is overloaded, lifting one set of wheels off the ground. Many accidents can happen if you’re using a skateboard for the first time. To prevent the trucks from drifting in either direction, you should keep your feet over their bolts.

What is pushing the mongo stance?

Using your front foot as opposed to your back foot when pushing is known as “mongo pushing.” If you’re regular, pushing with your left foot is considered mongo, and if you’re goofy, pushing with your right foot.

The Pros cons of mongo stance.

If your weight is centered over the back truck, it will be more difficult for you to turn or control your board. You should steer clear of pushing Mongo for those two reasons alone, especially if you enjoy street skating. Even if it feels uncomfortable at first, push through it because it’ll make your life easier in the long run.

Debris Rolling Over

Rolling over cracks and pebbles is made simpler for your front truck if there is less weight on it.
Even though I can understand this angle, I don’t think it makes much sense given that hitting a rock could easily change the direction of your board.

Here comes the method of how to ride a skateboard in the proper stance

First of all, you must be equipped with all kinds of equipment that are related to skateboarding, such as a helmet, wrist guard, knee and elbow pad and skate shoes.
Let’s begin riding through four resourceful acts

  1. Choose whether goofy or regular stance, first of all. You can choose any stance that is a niche to you according to your practice.
  2. When pushing, put your front foot on the front truck bolts. Put pressure on the board with your back foot to advance by pushing alongside it. To get more speed, push multiple times.
  3. To turn, put pressure on either your heels or toes while maintaining the skate position. Keep your weight in the middle of the board to avoid falling off your balance when it turns.
  4. Stopping While still in motion, take your back foot off the board’s tail and set it on the toe side of the ground, parallel to your board. Apply pressure to your back foot as you drag it along the ground until you completely stop. Make sure to distribute your weight evenly on your feet; if too much of your weight is on your back foot, you will stop, but your board will continue to move.


Skateboarding is a great way to have fun and stay active. It takes a bit of practice to learn how to properly stand on a skateboard, but it’s worth it! And the first thing you need to learn is how to stand on a skateboard.
Be sure to follow these tips and stay safe while you’re skating. With a little bit of practice, you’ll be a pro!
Have fun skating!


How do you stop on a skateboard?

Take your back foot off the board’s tail and set it on the toe side of the ground, parallel to your board, apply force to your back foot and drag it along the surface.

How to maintain balance on a skateboard?

Keep pressure on both feet equally. Keep on shifting your weight from one leg to another and always keep your eyes peeled. You must be good at how to stand on a skateboard.

How do you stand on a skateboard without falling?

There might be a few students skateboarding that escapes falling, but there are two tricks that might help you: practicing keeping up the balance and using tactics to stop the skateboard.

Robert Henry-Author Skate Orb

Who Is Roy Harris

Hey there, I’m Roy Harris, and skateboarding is my life.
Growing up in sunny Southern California, I fell head over heels for skateboarding at an early age. From the moment I stepped on a skateboard, I knew it was my calling.

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