How to Balance on a Skateboard | Best Guide

How to Balance on a Skateboard

Have you ever skated before? A difficult aspect of learning to ride a skateboard is developing steadiness. 

Skating requires patience and effort, but certain tricks can help you improve your general balance and acquire the right equipment.

Recently, I’ve seen a lot of online posts from people who are having trouble balancing properly on their skateboards and understanding other skateboarding fundamentals, like how to skate, how to pump on a skate, and obviously, how to balance a skateboard.

You should be able to skate comfortably in a matter of minutes if you follow all of my recommendations on how to balance on a skateboard. If you work on these, you’ll be skating quickly in no time.

Here you will learn how to balance on a skateboard. 

Steps of How to Balance on a Skateboard

There are many steps that help you to balance on a skateboard, some of which are given below:

Improve your Balance by Working on it

Choose the Position you Prefer

To balance on a skateboard, it’s critical to identify how to stand on a skateboard and use your optimum posture. Regular and goofy are the two primary skateboarding postures. skateboard foot placement is very important.

How to Balance on a Skateboard

To determine which seems most natural to you, try out both positions. You are in the so-called “normal” position if your left foot is ahead or you are facing to the right.

You are in the “goofy” position if your right foot is front or you are facing to the left.

Your Feet Should be Directly Behind the Bolts

 Make sure your feet are directly behind the bolts when you stand on the skateboard. The ideal foot placement for optimum balance is as shown. You won’t have as much control and your board is also more likely to break if you put your feet in the middle of the board.

Your feet should be just behind the skateboard wheels since the bolts holding the wheels to the board are what keeps them in place.

On a Carpet or Piece of Grass, Stand on Your Skateboard

Start by skateboard practice board when it is stationary before attempting to do so while riding it. Placing your skateboard on some carpet or grass is the simplest approach to prevent it from rolling around excessively. 

Work on your skateboard balance while standing on your skateboard. To prevent your skateboard from rolling around too much, you can also try putting something in front of and behind the wheels. A block of wood or two cinder blocks can be placed on either side of your skateboard to stabilize it. When the board is stationary but you still find it challenging to stand on it.

You may, for example, ask a friend to hold your hand just above your waist so you can still feel the wheels turning and have something to steady yourself with.

By Adjusting your Weight, Practice your Balance

To practice your balance, you don’t need to move very much or even lean back and forth. To stay stable on the board, simply strive to maintain your center of gravity and gradually shift your weight from your heels to your toes.

It’s also a good idea to keep your knees slightly bent. Your center of gravity will remain lower to the ground as a result, making it simpler to maintain balance.

How to Balance on a Skateboard

You must frequently practice balancing on the board if you want to improve your balance. Strive to practice every day for at least 15 minutes.

Furthermore, you might try tightening your bearings to see if that makes the wheel roll at all. Next, you won’t have to be concerned about slipping off the board’s wheels as you practice getting on and off.

They can be useful while using the amount of energetic substances through which the 

Maintaining Balance During the Motion of the Board

Keep Trying

You will be more able to persist the more stable you are. To start, put your foot on a board. The foot that is not on the board is in the proper skateboard stance.

Your entire body will go forward as you exert yourself. Keep your knees slightly bent to maintain a low center of gravity.

Stepping on to the Skateboard

Your skateboard feet are present. Your foot can be re-positioned on the deck once your board is maneuverable. Your foot should once more be in front of the bolt.

The space on your board should be sufficient if you put your foot sideways. You can go backward and forth as a result without applying much pressure.

While it’s Moving, Hold on

 You can stay on your board as long as it is moving if you know how to control it. Because it will eventually slow down, balance can be maintained even while moving.

If you are riding on a concrete surface, your board will eventually come to a stop. Yet, because of inclination, your board will keep traveling.

Flat surfaces are suggested for beginners. You may occasionally get unsteady and lose control as a result of the propensity, if you are moving downward, knowing how to stop is crucial.

Keep your Heels and Toes Under Control

The corner of your board has to be turned. It demonstrates some steadiness after some good practice.

Shifting your weight and heel is necessary for steering the board. The board will turn in the direction that your heels are facing.

Put your weight on your toes to move the board in a specific direction as well.

Selecting Equipment

Put on Some Skates

Balancing skateboard can be done with sneakers, but skate shoes are made specifically to keep you on the board. Compared to conventional sneakers, skate shoes are broader, which increases their contact with the board. You could find it simpler to maintain your balance on the board if your skate shoes are wider.

Skate shoes are available in the majority of sporting goods and department stores.

How to Balance on a Skateboard

Personalized Skateboard

Skateboards are generally accessible, but you might want to think about obtaining a custom-made skateboard or at the very least getting one from a skateboard shop.

You will be able to do to interact with experts on skateboarding and skateboards, ask them questions, and receive assistance.

You can obtain suggestions on the ideal kind of skateboard for your needs and skill level. You might, for instance, choose a skateboard that can be used for mountain boarding on dirt rails, or you might merely want one that can be used in skate parks and on sidewalks.

The Basic Technique in Skateboarding

There are many techniques through which you can get your answer on how to feel comfortable on a skateboard. Some of these are given below:

Maintaining Your Balance While on Your Deck

It is important to concentrate your weight on your front foot or lead leg. To improve your balance, shift your weight. It doesn’t take much shifting or swaying to work on your balance.

To stay steady on the deck, all you have to do is keep your weight in the middle and shift your weight from your heels to your toes.

Maintaining a modest bend in your knees is also a good idea. When you maintain a low position, your center of gravity will be lower, making balancing easier.

The Position of the Feet is Crucial

Your feet’s placement affects how you turn on a skateboard. Your balance is also impacted by this.

Any mistake could lead to a loss of equilibrium and the inability to turn. Skating will then seem awkward, uncomfortable, and challenging.

Pushing with the Foot

The lead leg, or front leg, ought to be over the midline of the deck and facing the nose (or forward).

It ought to balance easily because it is above the centerline. When your foot is off the midline, the board tends to turn either left or right. Pushing will be awkward if it is off the centerline.

Foot Placement while Standing on a Deck

The feet should be 50° to 90° away from the board’s center. The line connecting the board’s nose and tail is known as the centerline.

You should place your toe on one side of the rail, your heel on the other, and the middle of the foot across the centerline.

For the Best Balance, Stand on your Deck

The way a skateboarder stand is crucial. Starting off, space your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart. How far away you should depend on the length of your board.

It is recommended that your foot is facing the front mounting bolts or a little behind them. Depending on the length of the board, you might want to position yourself closer to the front. 

The mounting bolts should be between your feet.

Learning to Push Properly

When pressing, you ought to use your back leg. When you push with your front leg, it’s called a mongo push.

This may come naturally to some, but it is not a good thing. Pushing in this direction throws your equilibrium off. The front leg should stay on deck as the back leg pushes.

You should retain your weight over your middle foot while keeping it evenly distributed and centered over your front foot.

According to the instruction in the foot positioning section, the front leg should be placed directly on the deck leg. In order to push, use the pushing leg.

Putting your legs into the appropriate places is vital when coming back on board. Start by setting your back foot between a 50-degree and a 90-degree angle.

Now, the angle of your front leg should be between 50 degrees and 90 degrees. You should be between 50 degrees and 90 degrees. You should briefly put weight on your back while shifting your leg.


Strong muscles are the cornerstone of a stable balance for skating. Without any physical training, You won’t be flexible and balanced.

In order to condition all the major muscular groups, skateboarders can perform the following relatively easy exercises:

  • Burpees
  • Squats
  • Plank
  • Push-ups
  • Bicycles
  • Bridges

These exercises can be performed practically anywhere at any time without the need for any equipment. Establish a schedule and aim to work out at least three to four times each week; consistency is crucial.

Cross-Training Capabilities for Blanace Training Instruments

There are two poses given below that help you to maintain balance:

Branch Pose

Keep your feet together, your spine tall, and your hands extended. Towels can be folded or used with the BOSU.

It is important that your left foot is positioned on your calf while you balance. 

Creating tree branches is as simple as raising your arms aloft slowly. You can switch legs after 30 seconds.

Lunges Pose

On top of the ball side of the BOSU, position your feet close together. Your right knee is bent. Extend the left leg rearward to get it parallel to the ground. 

Then, extend your right leg straight up from the bottom of the BSOU. Switch legs 8-10 times on each leg.


Skateboarders practice until they master the sport. The regular practice gradually improves balance as the core muscles become stronger through the variety of postures and workouts they wouldn’t otherwise receive from daily activities. 

In our daily lives, balance is an essential that is often overlooked. Hope so this article is helping you to find how to balance on a skateboard.


How to Feel Comfortable on a Skateboard?

You can feel comfortable with the steps given below:
Give it some time
Fall many times to lower your fear.
Skating downhill
Commit yourself

Where Should your Weight be Positioned when Braking?

Your aim is to keep your weight balanced and centered over your front foot by concentrating all of your weight there. A leg on deck should support the majority of your weight as well. Simply let the pushing leg push. You must place your legs properly when getting back on the board.

How to Stop Skateboarding?

Sharply press down on the tail of the board to pull it up from the front, shifting some of your weight rearwards and bedding your front leg. To turn the board away from the direction of travel, you can also use your shoulders and front foot. You’ll come to a stop with the help of your heel and tail.

Robert Henry-Author Skate Orb

Who Is Roy Harris

Hey there, I’m Roy Harris, and skateboarding is my life.
Growing up in sunny Southern California, I fell head over heels for skateboarding at an early age. From the moment I stepped on a skateboard, I knew it was my calling.

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