Can you Skateboard in the Rain | Can You Skateboard on Wet Concrete

Can You Skate In The Rain

Skateboard in the rain can be challenging and may not be safe. Wet surfaces can make it difficult to maintain control of the skateboard, and the water can make the grip tape on the deck less effective. This can increase the risk of slipping and falling, leading to injuries. Additionally, the water can also cause damage to the bearings and other components of the skateboard. Many beginners are interested in whether can you skateboard in the rain or not because they think skating in the rain is more enjoyable. 

However, some skateboarders enjoy riding in the rain, and with the right gear and preparation, it can be done safely. If you decide to skateboard in the rain, it is essential to wear appropriate clothing, such as a waterproof jacket and pants, to keep yourself dry; it is also a good idea to use gloves or grip pads to help maintain a better grip on the board. 

It is also essential to check the condition of the skateboard and make sure the bearing is well lubricated and protected and the deck is not too wet or slippery before riding. 

Avoid riding in heavy rain and thunderstorms is recommended, as the conditions can be too dangerous and unpredictable. Skating in light rain can be done with the proper gear and practice. 

Can you skateboard on wet concrete?/can you skateboard in the rain on concrete?

Skateboarding may be challenging and dangerous on damp concrete. It may be more difficult to control the board and lose traction in the water. Due to increased friction and less grip, skating on wet surfaces also raises the danger of injury. Skateboarding on wet concrete is best avoided; choose a dry surface instead. If you must skate on wet concrete, don appropriate safety gear and proceed cautiously.

Can you skateboard on wet concrete

Can you skate in the rain? Or can you longboard in the rain? 

Skating in the rain can be thorny because of the slick and damp terrain. Water might make it harder to steer the board by reducing traction. Due to increased friction and lower grip, skating in the rain increases the danger of injury. If skating in the rain is necessary. Wear appropriate safety equipment, such as a helmet and water-resistant clothing.

  • To prevent puddles, pick a place with good drainage.
  • To avoid slipping, proceed slowly and with caution.
  • Avoid using metal surfaces since they become slick when wet.
  • Generally speaking, it is advisable to wait until it is dry before skating in the rain.
Safety Measures Skateboarding in the rain

Is it bad to skate in the rain? 

Due to the damp and slick conditions, skating in the rain can be difficult and dangerous. The danger of injury can increase because the water can limit traction and make it more difficult to control the board. Skateboarding in the rain also makes it more likely to slip and fall, resulting in more severe injuries than on dry surfaces.

If you must skate in the rain, it’s crucial to wear the appropriate safety gear, pick a site with good drainage, skate slowly, and stay away from metal surfaces because they can become slick when wet.

Generally speaking, it is advisable to wait until it is dry before skating in the rain.

Can you skate on water? 

Skateboarding cannot be done on the water since the boards are made to roll on solid surfaces, not float. You need separate tools to skate on water, like a hydrofoil or water-skiing apparatus. Typically, skateboarding is done on a surface like concrete, asphalt, or wooden ramps. So skateboarding water is not possible. 

Do You Know???

Due to hydroplaning you can lose your hold over the skateboard. So, try to avoid skating in the rain

What happens to a skateboard when it gets wet? 

When a skateboard gets wet, several things can happen. Here are a few examples:

  •  The grip tape in the deck can become less effective, making it more challenging to maintain control of the board. The water can also make the deck slippery, increasing the risk of slipping and falling. 
  • The water can seep into the bearings and other components of the skateboard, causing them to rust or become damaged. This can affect the board’s performance and may require repairs or replacement of the deck. 
  • The water can also cause the hardware of the skateboard, such as trucks and bolts, to rust or become corroded. This can affect the board’s performance and may require repairs or parts replacement. 
  • The water can also cause the wheels to lose their grip and side more quickly, making it more challenging to maintain control of the board. 

It is essential to dry a wet skateboard as soon as possible and to keep it out of the rain and away from it out of the rain and away from moisture when not in use. If a skateboard gets too wet, it is best to let it dry entirely before riding it again. Moreover, it is recommended to lube the bearings and check all the other components of the board to ensure everything is working correctly. 

How to deal with rusty bearings skatepark? 

Skateboards with rusty bearings will perform worse and last less time. in case you are skating in a skate park. It’s critical to check your skateboard routinely, and if the bearings exhibit corrosion, replace them.

  • You can clean them after each use to eliminate dirt and debris and maintain your skateboard’s bearing.
  • To avoid rust, keep the skateboard in a dry location.
  • To keep the bearings smooth, remove them and grease them occasionally.
  • If the bearings exhibit rust or wear, replace them.

Make sure that the bearings on your skateboard function properly and last a long time by giving them the proper care.

Can you skateboard with wet water and wheels?

Roller skates with damp wheels can perform poorly and have less control and traction. Skateboarding on wet surfaces can be difficult and increases the chance of sliding and falling, such as on wet concrete or water.

Use wheels with a harsher durometer (higher number) for improved grip to increase traction and control on slick surfaces.

On slippery conditions, skateboarding requires prudence and a slow pace.

Avoid touching metal since it can get slippery when it’s wet.

If there is grip tape explicitly made for damp circumstances, use it.

How to avoid getting your skateboard wet? 

To avoid getting your skateboard wet, you can try the following:

  1. Keep your skateboard indoors when it’s raining.
  2. Use a waterproof cover or bag to protect your skateboard while transporting it. 
  3. Apply a waterproofing spray or wax to the deck of your skateboard.
  4. Avoid riding in puddles or areas with standing water. 
  5. Dry your skateboard thoroughly after it gets wet. 

It is worth noting that some skateboards are made of materials more resistant to water damage than others. If you are concerned about your skateboard getting wet, consider purchasing one made of water-resistant material such as composite or plastic. 

What to do if and when your skateboard gets wet? 

If your skateboard gets wet, here are some steps you can take to minimize damage: 

  1. Dry off the deck, trucks, and wheels with a towel. 
  2. Remove the bearings and clean them with a degreaser or rubbing alcohol. Dry them thoroughly before reassembling them.
  3. Allow the board to dry completely before ridding it again. This may take a few days, depending on the humidity and temperature. 
  4. If the deck gets warped or twisted, you can try to reshape it by laying it on a flat surface and applying weight evenly across it until it dries. 

It is important to note that if your skateboard gets wet frequently or remains wet for long periods, it can cause long-term damage to the deck, trucks, and bearings. In this case, it is best to avoid riding it until it has been adequately dried and repaired. 


Yes, you can skateboard in the rain, but it is not safe and not recommended to do so. The safe way is to find places where you can easily skateboard, even if it rains. Skating in the rain can cost you in the form of injury, or it can damage your skateboard as well. But it also depends on person to person; some skateboard while it’s raining. However, others avoid doing it in the rain to prevent injuries and damage.  

Recommended skateboard wheels for rain?

Higher durometer and softer wheels (87a-83a) are suggested for rainy circumstances as they offer better traction on slippery surfaces. They tend to slip more on wet roads, so stay away from more rigid wheels (90a+). 


To conclude, the main topic can you skateboard in the rain; yes, you can, but skateboarding in the rain is risky and not recommended to do so. The safe way is to find dry places to avoid incidents that may cause injury to you and damage your skateboard. However, it also depends on person to person; some skateboard while it is raining, and others prefer to avoid skateboarding in the rain. 


Is it OK to skate after rain?

Skateboarding should not be done in the rain or when the weather is wet. The deck will lose its pop and get soggy or delaminate. The grip tape may peel off and lose grip. The bearings will deteriorate internally.

Is skateboarding in the rain good?

There is no doubt that skateboarding in the rain is not a good idea. The bearings won’t enjoy being wet, and the deck’s wood will want to soak up water and deform. In short, no, you shouldn’t skate outside in the rain.

Can you skateboard in the rain or on the wet floor?

Skateboarding in the rain may be difficult and risky. Skateboard control can be challenging on slippery surfaces, and the moisture might reduce the grip tape’s effectiveness. This could make it more likely for someone to slip, fall, and sustain injuries. The skateboard’s bearings and other parts are also susceptible to harm from the water

Robert Henry-Author Skate Orb

Who Is Roy Harris

Hey there, I’m Roy Harris, and skateboarding is my life.
Growing up in sunny Southern California, I fell head over heels for skateboarding at an early age. From the moment I stepped on a skateboard, I knew it was my calling.

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